August 22, 2023 • New Artist

Transitioning to a Permanent Makeup Career: Start Your Side Hustle

With the increasing value of convenience, style, and personal expression, the Permanent Makeup (PMU) industry has seen phenomenal growth in recent years. Still, many people hesitate to leave their current occupations to pursue a promising career in PMU. Fear of the unknown, perceived risks, and insecurity often deter them from taking the leap. However, the reality is that there’s also risk associated with staying at your job too long and not seeking new opportunities for growth and advancement. With that in mind, here’s a step-by-step guide to start your PMU side hustle.


Starting a PMU Career as a Side Hustle


Transitioning to a new career doesn’t have to be abrupt. You can start your PMU journey as a side hustle and then transition full-time when you’re ready. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do this:


1. Get Certified

First, enroll in a PMU course to acquire the necessary skills. Look for high-quality PMU instructor that offers flexible schedules, so you can manage your learning alongside your current job. To learn more about the training we offer, click here.

2. Practice and Gain Experience

Practice makes progress! Start practicing on models or friends to refine your skills. You could even offer your services for free initially to gain real-world experience and receive valuable feedback.

3. Register Your Business

Get all your legal ducks in a row. Register your business and make sure you have all necessary permits and insurance. This will provide a professional image and instill trust in your potential clients.

4. Market Your Services

Leverage social media to showcase your work and reach potential clients. You could also network within your community and ask friends to refer your services.

5. Start Small, Think Big

In the beginning stages of your PMU career, it’s crucial to focus on mastering your craft and building a solid client base rather than worrying about having a luxurious studio. Collaborate with local beauty salons or spas that have the appropriate health and safety certifications, and who might be open to hosting a PMU artist. Many of these establishments offer room rentals, allowing you to begin your PMU practice without the overhead costs of owning a studio. As your business expands, you can evaluate your revenue and client base and consider the viability of investing in your own dedicated PMU studio. Remember, successful businesses often begin with modest beginnings. It’s your skill and dedication that will ultimately drive your growth in the PMU industry.

6. Evaluate and Transition

Once you’ve built a steady clientele and your PMU side hustle income is on par with or exceeds your current job, it might be time to transition into your new career full-time.


Remember, the greatest risk in life is not taking one. Starting a PMU career may seem daunting, but the rewards can far outweigh the risks. By turning your PMU passion into a side hustle, you’re making a safer transition while setting yourself up for a fulfilling and potentially lucrative career. Be bold, be brave, and embrace the exciting opportunities the PMU industry offers!


The Risks of Not Taking the Leap


When you stay in your current job, you might feel a sense of security. Still, there are inherent risks that you might not be considering:


1. Career Stagnation

In many traditional jobs, there’s a limit to growth, whether that’s due to the job’s structure, company hierarchy, or other factors. A career in PMU, however, offers endless possibilities for growth and innovation, as the field constantly evolves.

2. Financial Limitations:

Relying solely on a regular paycheck can limit your financial freedom. Diversifying your income through a PMU side hustle can lead to increased financial stability and potential wealth growth.

3. Lack of Fulfillment

Doing the same tasks every day can be mundane and unfulfilling. Working in the PMU industry often brings about a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment, as you’re helping clients enhance their beauty and boost their self-esteem.

4. Missing Out on Industry Growth

The beauty industry, particularly PMU, is a rapidly growing market. By not joining this thriving sector, you’re missing out on a chance to be part of a lucrative and expanding field.